Gullapalli Sitaramachandra Murthy Ghanapathi
Date of Birth: 15-02-1966
“Vishwavasu” Telugu year

Fathers’ Name:
“Vedatapasvi” “Kashipandita” Brahma Sri Gullapalli Anjaneya Ghanapathi
Mothers’ Name:
Smt.Yajna Mahalakshmi Chinamma
Academic credentials:
Sri Krishnayajurveda Salakshana Ghanantham
Vedangamulu (sadangamulamulu and its origin.)
Complete Vidyaranya Veda Bhashyam,
Shastra PrakaranaGranthamulu – volumes
PrasthanatryaSreesankaraBhasyamulu (Gita Bhashyam, Sutra Bhashyamulu, Upanishad Bhashyam)
DharmashastraGranthamulu – volumes etc.
Eminent scholarly mentors:
1) “Dwivedi” “Sangavedavidvanamani” “Rashtrapati Sammanita” Brahma Sri Gullapalli Anjaneya Ghanapathi Garu (Father)
2) “SangasvadhyayaBhaskara” “Rashtrapati Sammanita” Brahma Sri Sannidhanam Lakshminarayana Murthy Awadhanulu Garu
3) “Panditapravara” “Vidvadratna” “AnushthanaChakravarti” “RashtrapatiSammanita” Brahma Sri Bhalachandra Shastri Joshi Garu (Dharwad)
4) “Shastrachudamani” “Vidvathratna” “Jyotishyapanditha” Brahma Sri Rajeshwara Sastry Joshi Garu (Dharwad)
5) “Advaitasidhiratnakara” “Bhagavatha Vyakhanavachaspathi” Brahma Sri Dr.Maddulapalli Dattatreya Sastry Garu and many other learned vedic mentors and teachers.
Titles and Accolades:
“Vedavidyalankara” in the holy presence of Sri SriSri Bhartitirtha Mahaswami at Andhra Mahasabha Mumbai in 1992.
“Swadhyayaratna” awarded by Swadharma Swarajya Sangham Vijayawada in 1998.
“VedardhaPrakashaka”awarded by World Welfare Culture Guntur in 2002.
“Veda Bhaskara” awarded by Sitaramanjaneya Vedic School Bangalore in 2002.
“Vedacharya” awarded by his holy highness Sri Shankaracharya MahaSansthanam Kolhapur Maharashtra in 2007.
“Amnayavidvanmani” awarded by Tirumala Tirupati Temple Dharmagiri in 2008.
“Vedavidyanidhi” awarded by Vedic Science Teaching Society Hubli Karnataka in 2010.
“UttamadhyapakaPuraskaram” awarded by Vedarakshananidhi Trust Kanchipuram Tamil Nadu in 2011.
“Vedajyoti” awarded by Sri Ashtalakshmi Peetham Anakapalli in 2016.
“Bharatajyoti” awarded by India International Friendship Society New Delhi in 2016.
“The Best Citizens of India” awarded by International Publishing House New Delhi in 2016.
“Amnayavachaspati” awarded by Sri Shankara Gurukul Vedic School (Veda Bhavan) Hyderabad in 2018.
“Vedavidyavachaspati” awarded by Sri Shankara Math Kanchikamakoti Mahasansthana in 2018 at Visakhapatnam.
“Jeeyar Award” awarded by Jeeyar Educational Trust, Shamshabad in 2018 at Telangana.
“Veedardhachudamani” awarded by Sri.PrasannaAnjaneyaSwamy Temple at Ragigudda, Banglore in 2018.
“Vedanidhi” awarded by Sri.AvadhoothaDattaPeetham, Mysore, Karnataka in 2019.
Special honours were received as a Vedic Examiner at the Vedic Theological Seminar as a Vedic Lecturer in the holy shrine with the blessings of Sri Venkateshwaraswamy during the annual festivals (Brahmotsavams) held at the temples of Sri ThirumalaTirupati.
While doing service to the Vedamatha through Sri Dattatreya Veda Vidya Gurukulam, “Ghanapathi garu” as he is fondly called by the people of Rajahmundry. He has travelled across the country and has produced more than 50 students who are now placed in various parts of the Bharatadesha and are also producing shishyas day in and day out. Yeomen services have been rendered by Ghanapathi garu as an examiner for many Vedic examination centers and as a consultant advisor for numerous spiritual activities.
His services not only extended to the vedic teaching but also many overseas assignments were bestowed upon him as opportunities which were not acceptable for the vision and mission of the work undertaken for the vedic living.
His committed, dedicated, disciplined vedic way of life style has been greatly admired and adored by pontiffs of these and those days is setting great bench-mark to the vedic society.